MVP refinement

# Date the work was done

June - July 2021

# Introduction

We’ve reached a decision as a team to focus our efforts on getting the pre-HTB part of our product intoprivate beta. To do this, we wished to have a clear understanding of what features we deemed to be MVP and which we felt were MVP +1.

We ran workshops to help us simplify and refine our MVP but also help map our discovered user needs to the features we plan to build within our MVP and MVP+1.

# The workshop prep

To help the workshop run as smoothly as possible, a digital whiteboard was prepared in advance of the meeting.

On this whiteboard we had labelled screenshots of each section of our prototype.

Within each screenshot we labelled the relevant features and also labelled which user needs we felt each feature would meet.

Mapping user needs to screens
mapping user needs to screens

# Workshop one

In this session, the team reviewed each section of the prototype and discussed whether we felt each feature was a must for MVP or up for discussion in the next workshop.

As we went through each screenshot, we simultaneously assessed how well we felt each feature met the user need, assigning a RAG status to each user need.

Setting a RAG status
Setting a RAG status for each feature

# Workshop two

In the following session, we took each feature the team felt was a must for MVP and placed it in a circlemarked MVP. There were two other circles, one marked MVP + and another marked ‘Not yet sure’.

Taking the features that had been marked for discussion in the previous session, we went through each one and decided which we thought were necessary to include in our MVP and which we could put into future iterations.

This allowed us to create the distinctions between MVP and MVP + 1 shown in the screenshot below.

Feature sorting
Feature sorting diagram showing two cirles one for MVP one for MVP +1.

The features that we couldn’t decide or felt needed more research we put in ‘Not sure yet’. These features are going to be discussed in a future workshop that will aim to help us understand what weneed to find out about them to decide whether they are MVP or MVP + 1.