Number of projects

The all projects heading on our conversions project list is currently in this format: All projects (number of projects on the page).

For example: All projects (12).

A list of academy conversion projects. It has a subheading called All projects (10).

A list of academy conversion projects. Page one of 2.

We felt that this format would mislead new users into thinking there are 12 projects in our service, not on the page.

# Meeting user need

As a novice delivery officer
I need to make sure I don’t miss anything
So that I can progress the project correctly

To meet this user need and avoid misleading new users, we changed the project count format to: (number of projects in the service) projects found.

For example: 12 projects found.

A list of academy conversion projects. 12 projects found.

When users filter projects, the number of projects found is updated.

For example: 4 projects found.

A list of filtered academy conversion projects. 4 projects found.

# Next steps

Monitor in user research whether the number of projects found format makes sense to new delivery officers.