Pre-HTB prototype - user research (Round 1)

# Date the work was done

February 2021

# Research findings

# Who we tested with

For this round of research, we tested with three users who had experience as project leads managing academy conversions. The small number of participants was due, in part, to the availability of volunteers from teams supporting schools’ Covid response.

# Findings

  • On the projects page users need to see how many days until opening, not just the HTB date.
  • In addition to the date assigned to them, users need to see the date the application was received.
  • ‘Apply to become’ should come first in the navigation, followed by ‘Academy transfers’ and then ‘Significant change’.
  • Users did not understand progress tags as they did not reflect the way our users currently manage their projects.
  • The urgent tag meant different things to different users.

“What’s jumping out at me… is that they’re clearly grouped together, but it’s not immediately obvious to me what ‘at review’, ‘in progress’ and whatever the other one was, means”

  • The task page received positive comments but users wanted to see the tasks reflect the sections and structure of the HTB template more.

“It’s kind of doing both of the things I wanted.”

“In my mind I am then completing my HTB template as I fill out the sections.”

# What else have we learnt

  • Project leads spilt work into delivery projects and trust management work and do both as part of their role.
  • Users would work on say a Significant change and a Transfer at the same time as a Conversion.
  • Some regions are using Teams and Word to track changes to manage the HTB template review process with managers and ESFA
  • Teams often use trackers that outline a list of activities and dates they need to work towards.
  • Users wouldn’t want anything that means tasks would be duplicated with other systems.