Pre-HTB Setting a status version 1

# Date the work was done

June 2021

# Introduction

We developed Version 1 of setting a project status from information we got from our subject matter experts. We have not tested it with users yet, so it’s very likely to change from these initial concepts.

A project, when assigned starts by default as an ‘active’ state. An active project is one that a Delivery Officer is about to, or currently working on. In the pre-HTB workflow users can change the status of that default state to:

  • On hold
  • Withdrawn
  • Approved
  • Declined

Users can set the status from a link on the task list page

Task list page with new link to change status
task list page

Select a new status
select a new status

# On hold journey

A project that is still active but has been highlighted as not currently being worked on, these projects remain as part of the user’s active projects list.

The project can still be accessed but all data is read only. The project cannot be interacted with until the status is changed back to active.

Reasons for onhold
Reasons for project being declined

Onhold date
Date input fields

Onhold summary sceen
Summary screen

Onhold project reference only view
Reference only view

Onhold status information
status information section

Onhold chage status
status information section

# Withdrawal journey

A project can be withdrawn at any time. This is more likely as part of pre-HTB than post. Users can no longer interact with a withdrawn project, they can only see the information that was in the system at the point when the project was withdrawn.

Once a project is withdrawn it will be removed from the user’s active projects list and will now be accessed as reference only from the archived projects list.

Reasons for project withdrawal
Reasons for project being declined

Withdrawal date
Date input fields

Withdrawal summary sceen
Summary screen

Withdrawal project reference only view
Reference only view

Withdrawal status information
status information section

# Approved journey

After an HTB meeting users will record an approved decision. They will need to add the date of approval and any conditions set at the HTB meeting. Once approved, the project will be removed from the user’s active projects list and only be accessible from the archived projects. The project will now be reference only, the user will see a summary screen that will reflect the papers as they were when last generated by the system. At this point the project will move to post-HTB and will appear as a new project in the users active projects list.

Were there conditions set?
Set conditions

Details of conditions set by HTB
Details of conditions set by HTB

Approved date
Date input fields

Approved summary sceen
Summary screen

Project reference only view
Reference only view

Status information section
status information section

# Declined journey

After an HTB meeting users can also record a declined decision. They will add the date of the decline decision and reasons from a predefined list. Once declined, the project will be removed from the user’s active projects list and only be accessible from the archived projects.

The project will now be reference only, the user will see a summary screen that will reflect the papers as they were last generated by the system.

Reasons for projects being declined
Reasons for project being declined

Declined date
Date input fields

Declined summary sceen
Summary screen

Declined project reference only view
Reference only view

Declined status information
status information section

# Changing a status

If a user sets a status by mistake an administrator would need to be able to reverse the project back to active. Apart from ‘on hold,’ a Delivery Officer cannot change the status once it has been set. This is to ensure Delivery Officers do not pick up an archived project instead of starting a new one when a new application is made and consequently a new project needs to begin.

# Accessing projects with an inactive status

All projects tht are no longer active can be accessed as reference only from the archived projects list, they no longer appear in the users active projects list.

Declined status information
sarchived projects list